Southern Arizona Advanced Practice Nurse - Nurse Practitioner Society

Urgent!! Update on APRN Consensus Model Legislation

Posted over 9 years ago by Paula Christianson-Silva

This announcement has 2 attachments:

Dear SAZAPN/NPS Members and Friends,

We are only 1 week away from our sunrise application hearing on the APRN Consensus Model Legislation. Many have spent countless hours and resources to get where we are today. As it stands we still do not have the required votes from the committee members to get our sunrise application approved by the Committee of Reference. There are several undecided committee members; we are lobbying them hard to support our application. Unfortunately the Arizona Medical Association is also lobbying them hard to oppose us. The Arizona Medical Association is a respected organization at the state capitol and has a lot of political pull for many legislatures. They however are not invincible and we can overcome their influence. If we are going to succeed next week we need everyone's help today. It is vital that each legislator on the committee of Reference knows that this is important to you, your patients and the citizens of Arizona.

So how can you help?
We need everyone to do the following things.
1) Continue to gather letters of support from anyone in Arizona that supports APRNS. Get the letters to Randy Quinn ( or Denise Link ( who will insure the committee members receive them. (sample letter attached)

2) Email each committee member encouraging them to support our sunrise application. The Arizona Nurses Association has set up a program where it takes less than 5 minutes to do this. After you email the committee members encourage your friends and family to email them. To access the Arizona Nurses Associations Advocacy email program click on the following link. (Can also copy and paste into your browser)

3) If you're on social media promote our new campaign Nurses Care 4 Arizona. Several of us have changed our profile photos to our campaign logo: If you see anything promoting our legislation or our campaign like and share it. (logo attached)

4) Everyone needs to sign into the state legislator's website and register in support of the sunrise application.  If you would like someone to do this for you please email Randy Quinn at  The email should have your Name and Email address and in the email simply say, I authorize the Arizona APRN Coalition to log me into the AZ legislature website in support of the APRN sunrise application.

For those that want to try and do it themselves just follow these directions.
1. Goto:
2. Click on:
New: Request to Speak (on left side under FAQs top of list)
3. Click on:
Sign On (at top left of page)
4. Click on:
Create an Account (Write down and remember newly created login)
5. Sign in with new login info you just created
6. Click on:
Request to Speak
7. Click on:
New Request (in left side column)
8. Keep legislative body on Both
Session: All
Committee: Scroll down to Health and Human Services (under the heading of "Standing")
Click: Search
9. The top search result will be Sunrise Application: Arizona Nurses Association
Click: Add Request (on the right hand side)
10. Click for your position on the application: For
Then Submit it. Remember your newly created login info!!!

5) Lastly we need as many people as possible to show up on Dec 7th. Our news conference will begin at 8am on the steps of the state capitol. Please come early so we can have everyone standing as a backdrop for those individuals that will be speaking to the media. Immediately after the press conference everyone will head into the hearing in the Senate Building. There will not be a lot of time to sign into the computers before the hearing so please sign in as a supporter through the legislator's website as described above before the meeting. We are listed first on the agenda. State Capitol Address: Arizona State Capitol 1700 W. Washington St.Phoenix, Arizona.

If you would like to car pool from southern Arizona, please contact Ashlyn Dumais, SAZAPN/NPS Legislative Chair, through this website.

We are begging everyone that has been sitting on the sidelines to please get involved this week. Please let your legislators know that you are a valuable member of the health care team in your community. Let them know that you need to practice to the full extent of your education and training. Let them know that Nurses are the ones that Care For Arizona!!